deborahJudges 5:6-8 (KJV), “In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were unoccupied, and the travellers walked through byways. The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I DEBORAH AROSE, THAT I AROSE A MOTHER IN ISRAEL. They chose new gods; then was war in the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?” (Underlining and capital letters, mine).

Deborah was the 4th and only female Judge in the book of Judges. Deborah was a woman who arose for such a time as this in her generation. Please, note very well that God’s method has always been man. In every generation, the Almighty God is always looking for a man (woman) that He can use to fulfil His own purposes. A man (woman) to carry out His own program, His own agenda, His own plan of action.

It is written in the book of Hosea 12:13, “And by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt and by a prophet was (Israel) preserved.”(AMP). From the above quoted scripture, it is crystal clear that there is no deliverance or preservation for God’s people without a prophet. Who then is a prophet? Simply, a man or woman sold out to God. A man or woman of deep intimacy with The Almighty God; whom God can find usable for the deliverance and preservation of His people (Everyone created are “His people” for the word of God declares in the book of 2Peter 3:9 and 1Timothy 2:4 that it is God’s will and purpose for all to be saved, come to repentance and knowledge of the truth). The Almighty God found such a woman in Deborah.

Let us examine very briefly the prevailing situation or condition in Deborah’s days that caused her to arise as a woman for such a time as this:

  1. First and foremost, we are told that “The highways were unoccupied and travelers walked through by ways.” In the book of Isaiah 35:8, it is written, “And a highway will be there, it will be called the way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that way. The unclean will not journey on it. Wicked fools will not go about on it.” (NIV).

In the days of Deborah, Israel as a nation had abandoned the highways of holiness, the whole land was in a backslidden state. Even the priests and Levites were not left out.

  1. Village life ceased in Israel. Village life depicts the simplest, most uncomplicated life that one can live. There is no artificiality in village life because every man remains in his truest form, not trying to impress or camouflage. Every man remains pure and transparent. Every man is his brothers’ keeper in village life. When village life ceases, pride takes over, competition takes over, arrogance takes over, envy, jealousy and strife take over. Insincerity takes over and disorderliness and godlessness become the rule of the day. Lies, compromises, etc. When village life ceases, sincerity and godliness take a back seat. Hypocrisy, lies and deception become the order of the day. Sin becomes prevalent and artificiality is celebrated and adopted as the way of life.
  2. They chose new gods. The people of Israel in Deborah’s day chose new objects of worship. They pledged their allegiance to new gods, which is idolatry. They took on new pursuits, new inventions, new messages. They abandoned the living God. The days were days of gross darkness for Israel. Days of ungodliness and pervasion. Days of ignorance and arrogance. The whole land was in such a backslidden state that the book of Judges 21:25 records “In those days there was no king in Israel: Every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”
  3. Finally, we are told that “there was war in the gates, yet there was no shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel.” Understand that anytime a people shift their focus from God, trouble will always dominate their gates, for sin removes every weapon of war. Sin always leaves a man (woman) in a pitiable, defenseless, defeatable and defeated state. The land of Israel in the days of Deborah was in a state of apostasy (Godlessness, Christlessness) until one woman arose to challenge and change the status quo. Righteousness is what exalts a nation, sin is a reproach to any people. It was during a time such as this, when no-one was willing to take a stand for God that this great daughter of destiny, Deborah arose a saviour of her generation. A deliverer and preserver of destinies; a shining star. “I Deborah arose a mother in Israel” (Judges 5:7b).

Deborah arose a woman for such a time as this in her generation. She arose to do what occasion demanded in those times. She arose to meet the need of the hour.  She arose a “Mother in Israel”, i.e., a mother to exhort, comfort, encourage, teach, counsel, intercede and impart faith. When no man was willing to face the challenges of the hour in those days. When everyone had agreed to settle for the status quo, Deborah arose a daughter of destiny, a woman of great impact. A woman making history, a woman changing history, a pacesetter, a trailblazer, a non-conformist to the evil inclinations of her generation. What was the spirit in this woman, Deborah that caused her to arise as a woman for such a time as this?

Deborah, in the book of Judges 4:4 is first and foremost described as “a prophetess”, i.e., a woman of deep intimacy with God. A woman who hears from God and delivers messages on His behalf. What spirit was operating in Deborah that caused her to be such a blessing to her generation and generations unborn? The spirit in Deborah was the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit:

  1. The spirit of self-denial – Mark 8:34.
  2. The spirit of meekness and humility –Judges 4:4, 8-9, 5:7.
  3. The spirit of love – 1John 4:7, Judges 4:8-9, 5:31(b).
  4. Love for God – John 14:31, Deuteronomy 10:12, 11:1.
  5. Love for God’s work – John 9:4, 14:21, Judges 5:7.
  6. Love for God’s word – Judges 4:4, Joshua 1:8.
  7. Love for God’s people – John 15:12, Acts 10:38, 1John 4:11, John 3:16, Ephesians 5:2, Judges 5:7.
  8. A heart of compassion – Judges 5:7(b).
  9. The spirit of courage and boldness- Judges 4:9.
  10. The spirit of prayer – Judges 4:4.
  11. Deborah was a woman of burdens. She had a deep burden for her lost nation – Israel – Judges 5:6-9.
  • Deborah had the mind of Christ characterized by the attributes of:
  1. Humility – Philippians 2:5-8.
  2. Dependence on God – John 5:19, 30.
  3. Obedience, i.e., a determination to do only the Father’s will – John 5:19, 30, Matthew 26:39; 42.
  4. Thoughtfulness for others – Acts 10:38.
  5. A willingness to sacrifice and suffer, and even die for the good of others– 2Corinthians 8:9, Romans 5:6-8, 1Peter 2:24.

Deborah’s life demonstrates the possibilities of any woman today who will allow the Spirit of God to fill and form her life; helping her to develop to her full capacity. Enabling her to make the difference in her generation, in shaping the world around her for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Gross darkness has filled the earth once again. In this nation of Nigeria today, the highways of holiness have been abandoned and even saints on their way to eternity are now walking along by ways. Village life has ceased, artificiality has taken over. We have chosen new gods. The simplicity of the message of Christ (the message of the cross, the only message that has the ability to deliver man completely and totally) has been seriously compromised and in some instances, outrightly eroded.

Our focus has shifted from God, and trouble has dominated our gates. Sin and compromise has removed every weapon of war and left us in a pitiable, defeatable and defeated states. The devil is alive and well on planet earth going around as a hungry lion, seeking whom to devour. At this very hour, the Almighty God is looking for women who will arise for such a time as this. The eyes of the Almighty God are roaming to and fro the whole earth (2Chronicles 16:9), looking for women He can use for such a time as we are in now. God is looking for women who will arise and challenge the forces of darkness; to deliver and preserve His heritage. Women who like Deborah, will arise in the Spirit of Christ and make the difference:

  1. Women who will speak out against ungodliness in the land.
  2. Women who will take their God given authority and use it to speak forth the word of God with power – Genesis 1:2-3, Mark 11:22.
  3. Women of great courage and boldness who will speak forth the truth without fear or favour.
  4. Women who refuse to fit into the mould of the world, the flesh and the devil.
  5. Women with a sense of purpose and destiny who will go about the King’s business with haste.
  6. Women who understand the concept of life as a divine assignment.
  7. Women who have a living, vital relationship with The Almighty God.
  8. Women who have the ability to discern the mind and purpose of God for this hour and are willing to declare it to others without fear or favour.
  9. Women of focus, women of prayer skilled in the art of spiritual warfare.
  10. Women of the Word and of the Spirit.
  11. Women for such a time as this like Deborah of old.
  12. Women who will arise and thresh – Micah 4:13.
  13. Women who will arise and shine – Isaiah 60:1.

ARISE! O WOMAN OF DESTINY, as you arise, Divine empowerment will follow. When you arise, Divine backing will be your portion. When you arise, The Almighty Himself will be your strength and your shield and your exceeding great reward. He will clothe you with Divine enablement that guarantees success. But first and foremost, you need to ARISE like Deborah did.

Understand that nobody can make this decision for you. Only you can make this decision by yourself. I want you to know that the Almighty God is waiting on you. He is reposing great confidence in you at this hour. I say ARISE to take your place in destiny, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

My prayers for you and I, O woman of destiny are these:

  1. “May the Almighty God find us usable for the extension of His kingdom here on earth, in the Name of Jesus.
  2. May we be willing and obedient to arise as “Women for such a time as this in the Name of Jesus.
  3. May we key our lives into God’s intentions and purposes for this hour, in the Name of Jesus.
  4. May we carry out only God’s programs, agenda, curriculum and plan of action, keying into God’s own divine timing in the Name of Jesus. Amen!



Busola Olotu.

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