Busola Olotu's Blog

thApostle Paul said in the book of Rms 1v16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation…” What gospel are we preaching today, is it the gospel of Christ or another gospel? A gospel that paints God as a Father Christmas who is just there to bless and bless His children and continue to dish out more blessings irrespective of the way His children conduct their lives and order their steps is not the gospel of Christ that was handed down to us. Matt 6v33 “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” See also Rms 13v14, 14v17, 1 Cor 4v20, Isa 1v19-20, Job 36v11-12. A gospel that totally absolves man of any responsibility and accountability towards God and the new life he has received in Christ Jesus…

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Busola Olotu's Blog

ce813-proverbs14v34We cannot continue confessing the promises of God over Nigeria our nation without first addressing the issue of sin. In addressing the issue of sin we members of the church of God in Nigeria must first and foremost address the issue of sin in our individual lives. The word of God declares in the book of 2Cor13v5 “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves……” Set an examination for yourself based on God’s word and your responsibility to it and score yourself and then you will know whether or not you are actually following the master. After we have addressed sin in our own individual lives then we now turn to addressing it in the body of Christ in general. After this we now qualify to address sin in the Nation and God will help us because we have first ordered our ways before Him. 2Chron27v6…

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Busola Olotu's Blog

samuel1Sam16V4″So Samuel did what the Lord said and went to Bethlehem. And the elders of the town trembled at his coming and said “Do you come peaceably?”

In the above verse of scripture, The Lord sent Prophet Samuel on an errand to Bethlehem and when he got there the elders of the town trembled at his coming. The Spirit of The Lord took me to this verse of Scripture and asked me a question “Where are the Samuels?” The Lord asked me this question as I was seeking His face concerning the state of our Nation, Nigeria. I, like so many others have been burdened and interceding for Nigeria. I have been perplexed as to why things are taking a turn for the worst inspite of so much prayers being offered on behalf of the Nation. Samuel in the Bible is a model of Godly spiritual leadership. Samuel is a…

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Creation_Museum_Kentucky-3You are a woman made:

2) FOR MAN (Your husband)
3) FOR THE WORLD (Your sphere of influence)

Gen 1 v 26 – 27 “Let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth over the earth”

Vs 27 “So God created man in His image, in the image of God created He him male and female created He them.”

Gen 2 v 7 “And the Lord God formed man our of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul”

Gen 5 v 2 “male and female created He them and blessed them and called their name Adam (i.e. man) in the day they were created”

In the making of a woman the whole God head was involved, in Gen 1 v 26 God the Father said “let us make man……” In Genesis 2 v 7 God the Son formed or made man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into him the breath of life and God the Holy Spirit brought man into being. Wo (mans) creation was not accomplished by a divine fiat alone but was also the subject of a Divine council (Gen 1 v 26 – 28). As had been decreed by the Divine council, God the Father spoke man into existence and made the inner man, God the Son made the form of man from the dust and God the Holy Spirit became the life giving Spirit, wo(mans) body was formed but his life was created, so in essence wo(man) was both formed and created. In the book of Job 33 v 4 it is written “The Spirit of God hath made me and the breath of THE ALMIGHTY hath given me life, also in Psalm 104 v 30 it is written “Thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are created …..”.

To make means to construct, to produce, to create, to assemble, to manufacture, to fabricate, to form. In Gen 1 v 26 it is written “And God said let us make man………”.
The Hebrew word translated make in this verse of scripture is the word Asah meaning to make out of already existing material. In the making of a woman God first formed man out of the dust of the ground, this dust was the already existing material from which man was made. However after God formed man from the dust, man lay lifeless and God had to go a step further to create man, the Hebrew word translated create is the word Bara which means to form out of nothing.

To create means to bring into being, to bring something into existence, to give life too, to give birth too. In Gen 2 v 7 God created man by breathing into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.

The first man, the progenitor of the human race was made from dust but was created by God’s Spirit, so man was made out of something i.e. dust and out of nothing i.e. spirit because spirit does not exist in the material realm.

This first man was both made and created a wo (man),as both male and female gender were represented in him until God brought the female out from within man (see Gen 5 v 1-2, Gen 2 v 21).

This first man (wo)man was created in the image and likeness of God, he was so like God that the glory of God did not startle him. He used to walk with God and talk with God.
This first man, wo(man) was made and created a man of dominion, and authority i.e. the sovereign ruler over planet earth (see Gen 1 v 26, 28, Psalm 8 v 4-6, Psalm 115 v 16), this dominion mandate was given to both male and female gender. God intended for (wo)man to be in charge of planet earth to take authority over all. Woman understand you are made by God for a purpose, to exercise dominion and authority here on planet earth. In other words you were made to be a ruler, you were made to be in charge and to take charge (see Gen 1 v 26, 28). In Ps 115 v 16 it is written “heaven, even the heavens are the Lords but the earth hath He given to the children of men”. In Ps 8 v 4-6 it is written “What is man that thou art mindful of him? And the son man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than Elohim i.e. (God) and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands, thou hast put all things under his feet” (KJV and Amp).
According to the above verses of scripture, woman, you were made to determine the affairs on planet earth, you were made to determine what happens here on planet earth.
Also the first man (wo)man was made and created for the purposes of fruitfulness and multiplication here on plant earth. In the book of Genesis 1 v 28 it is written “And God blessed them and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply…..”
This Divine mandate of fruitfulness and multiplication in the female gender of (wo)man was not limited to the natural process of giving birth but also refers to spiritual fruitfulness, just as God specifically and delicately made women’s wombs to give birth to babies in the natural, so also has He given them spiritual wombs to give birth supernaturally, God has deposited in women a great capacity to respond to the things of God.
Woman you have been made and created with the capacity to birth great revivals through travailing prayers (see Isa 66 v 8b).
You have been made and created with capacity to stand in the gap for your home, family, community; nation and body of Christ through this travailing (see Jere 9 v 17 – 20).
Woman God has set you over kingdoms and nations to root out, pull down, destroy and throw down everything that is not of God and to build and plant God’s righteousness and establish God’s will on planet earth.
You are God’s battle axe and weapon of war. (See Jere 1 v 10, 51 v 20-24, Joel 2 v 28-29, Romans 8 v 26, Acts 2 v 17-18).
In the book of Gen 2 v 18 it is written “And the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make (Asah) him an help meet for him” vs 21 reads “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh”. God reached out and took from within the man the principal raw material He would use to make woman, according to Gen 3 v 22-23 it is written “And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made He a woman and brought her unto the man and Adam said,” this is now the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man”.
Woman was taken out of man. When God created Adam He had already put woman into him, this is why God named both male and female gender Adam in the day they were created. (Gen 5 v 2), so the woman was made for the man (l Cor 11 v 8-9).
The using of the rib as the primary raw material for constructing woman was a deliberate act on the part of God. Woman was taken from the side of man to be equal to him as a co-ruler on planet earth, woman was taken from under the arm of man to be protected by him and near his heart to be loved by him.
Also as the ribs in the body protect the vital organs so also woman was made to be a covering of protection over the man, a true help meet i.e. help to meet a need.
Woman, understand that you were made for man (your husband) understand your purpose in the life of your man and fulfill it to the letter, you are a woman on divine assignment in the life of the man.
Woman you were created out of necessity God saw that His work was not yet complete because the (wo)man He made and created was incomplete without you (woman) by his side. Even though woman was already represented in man, she needed to be taken out of man to form a separate yet indistinguishable part of man, separate yet to be in complete harmony with each other such that the two shall be one. (see Gen 2 v 22-24, I Cor 11 v 8-9)

When God made the woman and brought her unto the man (Adam) in the book of Gen 2 v 22 he exclaimed “this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man”.

Finally, woman understand that you are not only a woman made for God, made for man (your husband), you are also a woman made for the world. God created a beautiful world i.e. planet earth and put you in charge (see Gen 1 v 26-28).

This original Dominion mandate was lost in Adam but regained in Christ Jesus (See Rms 5 v 12-21); Genesis 1 v 26 reads “Let them have complete authority over …..” (Amp).

You as a woman are expected by God to use the vast resources provided by Him in the service of God and man. As a woman you are a co-labourer with man in the exercising of the dominion and authority invested in you by the Almighty God.

Woman, God has a ministry for you in His church i.e. the body of Christ and a mission for you in the world. You are a woman made, created, saved, sanctified and empowered for His service.

God’s summons to reach a dying world for Him is upon your life. You are a woman called and sent on a divine errand (See Titus 2 v 11-14, 2 Cor 5 v 18, Matt 25 v 14-15, Lk 19 v 12-13).

God predestined you unto good works for His own purposes from the foundations of the world (See Eph 2 v 10 the Amp Bible).

Woman you are expected by God to be a woman surrendered to the divine will. Understand that you did not make yourself, nor did you create yourself, your life does not belong to you. Your life is merely a gift given to you by the one who made you for His own purposes therefore your life must be lived according to the dictates of He who made you in the first place, you are not permitted to live your life according to the dictates of your flesh.

Understand that God made you for HIMSELF:-
1) For a reason and a season
2) As part of His (God’s) own intricate plan
3) As a designers original not a copy
4) Uniquely packaged and designed
5) Just the way He wanted to make you
6) You look like you look for a reason a Divine reason
7) You talk like you talk for a reason a Divine reason

Woman everything about you was fashioned by the Ultimate Creator and you can’t improve on what God created. You are God’s idea and God can never have a bad idea! Accept yourself, accept God, become surrendered to Him, and allow Him to do that which only He can do in your life so that ultimately as a woman of destiny headed for a definite destination you will arrive safely at that destination.

Remember it all starts and ends with God. You are a woman made for Him.

(Busola Olotu)