


We in Nigeria are praying and waiting on God to do something about the situation in our Country but actually God is waiting on the Church in Nigeria to rise up and take her place in destiny for such a time as this.

(Busola Olotu)


samuel1Sam16V4″So Samuel did what the Lord said and went to Bethlehem. And the elders of the town trembled at his coming and said “Do you come peaceably?”

In the above verse of scripture, The Lord sent Prophet Samuel on an errand to Bethlehem and when he got there the elders of the town trembled at his coming. The Spirit of The Lord took me to this verse of Scripture and asked me a question “Where are the Samuels?” The Lord asked me this question as I was seeking His face concerning the state of our Nation, Nigeria. I, like so many others have been burdened and interceding for Nigeria. I have been perplexed as to why things are taking a turn for the worst inspite of so much prayers being offered on behalf of the Nation. Samuel in the Bible is a model of Godly spiritual leadership. Samuel is a model of the courage and boldness spiritual leaders need to possess to lead effectively and to be a voice that will bring the word of God to bear on contemporary issues. A voice of Godly direction in times of distress and tribulations in the life of a Nation. A voice to exhort, rebuke, confront, instruct, correct and establish God’s Righteousness. 1 Sam7v3-6,11″Then Samuel spoke to all Israel saying “If you return to the Lord with all your hearts, then put away the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths’ from among you and prepare your hearts for the Lord and serve Him only and He will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines.” So the children of Israel put away the Baals and Ashtoreths and served the Lord only. And Samuel said “Gather all Israel at Mizpah and I will pray to the Lord for you.” So they gathered at Mizpah, drew water and poured it out before The Lord. And they fasted that day and said there “we have sinned against the Lord…………………………..”Verse11″So the Philistines were subdued and they did not come anymore into the territory of Israel and the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel.”
In the above Scripture during the time of National crises in Israel, Samuel arose as a true spiritual leader, He led the people to effective National repentance, brought them back to God and established God’s Righteousness. The crises ended, the enemies were flushed out and peace and prosperity returned to the Nation. Today our Nation is in dire need of the Samuels who will lead the Nation to effective National repentance, bring us back to God, establish God’s righteousness in the land so that the enemies of our Nation can be destroyed and uprooted and peace and prosperity return to Nigeria.
“So Samuel grew and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground………………….”. Samuel in the Bible was a spiritual leader who had a word from God about present situations and none of his words fell to the ground because they were God’s words. Nigeria at this time is in dire need of the Samuels that will hear clearly the voice of God, key into God’s heartbeat regarding the present state of the Nation and declare God’s words that will not fall to the ground. Samuels who will fearlessly declare God’s truth, taking a stand for God not minding the earthly consequences. Biblical Samuels, spiritual leaders who are accountable to God and responsible to the people. 1Sam13V13-14″And Samuel said to Saul “you have done foolishly. you have not kept the commandment of the Lord your God which He commanded you. For now the Lord would have established your kingdom over Israel forever. But now your kingdom will not continue…………..”
1Sam15V16-19″Then Samuel said to Saul “Be quiet! and I will tell you what the Lord said to me last night. And he said to him “speak on”. So Samuel said “when you were little in your own eyes, were you not head of the tribes of Israel? and did not the Lord anoint you king over Israel? Now the Lord sent you on a mission and said “Go and utterly destroy the sinners, the Amalakites and fight against them until they are consumed. Why then did you not obey the voice of the Lord? Why did you swoop down on the spoil and do evil in the sight of the Lord………….” 1Sam15V23″………Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.”
Samuel in the Bible was close enough to the king ship to help, direct, encourage and pray for Saul but he was also separate enough to confront Saul when he sinned and unequivocally declare the mind of God to him. He did not shrink from playing his role as instructed by God, nor was he intimidated by Saul’s position as King. He squarely confronted Saul’s disobedience and fearlessly declared God’s judgement of Saul. Samuel wept and interceeded for Israel and the King but he still took the action required. Our Nation is in dire need of the present day Samuels who will fearlessly confront ungodly, unrighteous and corrupt political leaders who are not abiding by their oath of office, declaring God’s judgement over them. Political leaders in Government in Nigeria who like King Saul are no longer obedient to God nor responsive to the people they claim to be leading. Political leaders in our Nation who like King Saul have stopped effectively leading but are merely serving their own personal interests. Where are the present day Samuels who will rise up and pronounce God’s judgement on hard hearted and self serving office holders in our Nation? In my opening Scripture, when Samuel entered Bethlehem, the Elders of the land came trembling to meet him. Nigeria is in dire need of present day Samuels who when they go to the seat of power in Nigeria the leaders in Government will tremble at their coming.
WHERE ARE THE SAMUELS? May God grant us perfect understanding.


KR-EndActionNeh4v9″We countered with prayer to our God and set a round-the-clock guard against them.”
Another translation of this same verse says”we prayed and we posted a guard”. The NKJV reads “Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God and because of them we set a watch against them day and night.”
In this verse of scripture we see Nehemiah’s response to the conspiracy of his enemies to stop him from completing his Divine assignment. The point I want us to note here is that Nehemiah did not stop at praying alone. He made prayer his first priority but he also carried out his own responsibility by securing the wall against enemy attack. I want to use this verse of Scripture as a reference point concerning the situation in Nigeria today. Much prayer has gone over this Nation and much prayer is still being offered daily. The question is “why does it appear as if things are taking a turn for the worse? Is God no longer answering our prayers in Nigeria?” The God I have come to know and serve is a Father and He does answer prayers. A Father always answers the cry of his children but no father can do for his children what he has already empowered them to do for themselves. Even we as earthly parents will not do for our children what we have empowered them to do for themselves. For empowerment always comes with responsibility. The church of God is the voice of the Nation. We are the mouthpiece of God. We are the ones who should bear the responsibility of revealing the mind of God concerning burning issues in our Nation. We must act as the conscience of the people, we cannot afford to remain silent in the face of sin, hypocrisy, deception, corruption, bloodshed, kidnapping,terrorism and the various evils bedeviling our Nation now. I know some people have arisen e.g the Abuja Patriots and other women organization specifically concerning the Chibok girls, but I am talking in a much wider context of the state of the Nation now. Psalm 115V16″The heaven, even the heavens are the Lord’s but the earth He has given to the Children of men”. God’s method on planet earth has always been man but God must first of all locate usable men. Don’t misunderstand me , God can use anything, He used a donkey once(Balaam’s donkey) but any good student of the Bible will agree with me that this is not God’s usual method of dealing with situation and
circumstances. In
Populating this entire universe he started with one man, Adam. In raising the Nation of Israel he called out one man, Abraham etc. In Nigeria today God will still use men(i.e men and women) but as much as He desires to, we must make ourselves available. Gods eyes are roaming to and fro over Nigeria looking for those who will tune to His heartbeat concerning Nigeria at such a time as this. God has already empowered them, He is now summoning them, asking them to arise for His purposes at this time. He is asking them to arise with courage and boldness for such a time as this. God will not necessarily use those whom the world is celebrating, He can use the things despised by the world to confound the wise. The Lord has asked me to sound the clarion call. Where are the Moses’?, the deliverers. Where are the Samuels?, the true prophets whose words will not fall to the ground because they are declaring God’s words. Where are the Davids? the ones God will use to slay the God defiers and God deniers in our Nation. Where are the Azariahs and the eighty Priests who will confront and withstand abomination in the Nation as those priests withstood King Uzziah? Where are the Ezekials who will prophesy against evil men, ancient and scornful men in the land? Where are the Esthers? the if I perish, I perish company. Where are the Deborah’s the mothers in Israel who will arise for such a time as this? Where are the John the baptists, the lone voices crying against unrighteousness, hypocrisy, deception, corruption in the Nation particularly in Government? Where are the seven thousand in Israel reserved by The Lord for such a time as this who have not bowed their knees to baal? Where are they? The time to arise is now! The time to speak forth is now! The time to stand against unrighteousness is now! The time to reprove the hidden works of the present darkness is now! The time to prophesy against the ancient and scornful men is now! The time to withstand ungodly and untruthful leaders who perpetrate and perpetuate abomination in the land is now! The time to slay every goliath defying and defiling the children of the living God in our land is now! The time to speak the truth in righteousness is now! The time is now, not tomorrow, not next year, it is now! Nehemiah said we prayed and we posted a guard.” We have prayed and we will continue to make prayer a priority but we must arise now and do what God has already empowered us to do. The church of God in Nigeria must arise, you and I as the body of Christ in this Nation must arise and take our place in destiny for such a time as this. God will not come down, He will use you and I. May God grant us perfect understanding in Jesus’ Name Amen.

(Busola Olotu)


ImageLast time I talked of “This Present Woman” as a woman of purpose (understanding purpose and fulfilling it) and vision (divine revelation). You will discover that this present woman is a woman of purpose and vision because she is a woman who knows God, a woman who has found her place in God by becoming His child.

This is the distinguishing mark. Because she knows she is a child of the Most High God she is woman of great confidence in her God, you can never find her leaning on her own understanding (Proverbs 3v5-6). Her trust is in the Lord forever (Isa 26v4). Because her trust is in the Lord forever she remains unshakeable even when facing great challenges (Ps 125v1)

She is a woman who enjoys perfect peace because her mind is stayed on the Lord (Isa 26v3).

She is a blessed woman because she trusts in the Lord and her hope is in Him (Jere 17v7). This present woman knows that she is not an accident or a mistake, or a misfit. She understands the fact that she is God’s own masterpiece made in His image and likeness. Because of this understanding she is a fearless woman (I Jn 4v18).

She has an understanding of the fact that the Lord is her light and salvation (Ps 27v1-3). Even though she fears no man she has a reverential fear of God (Prov 31v30).

This present woman is a woman of great courage and boldness; she understands and takes to heart the word of the Lord in the book of Prov 28v1 “The wicked flee when no man pursueth; but the righteous are bold as a lion”. She also puts to practice the admonition of the Psalmist in Psalm 27v14 “Wait on the Lord and be of good courage….”

Another quality we see in this present woman is that she is a wise woman (Proverbs 4v7). She is full of God’s wisdom, the sevenfold Spirit of God as expounded in Isa 11v1 is her portion. She has the Holy Spirit i.e. the Spirit of the Lord dwelling in her. She operates in the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and the fear of the Lord. This present woman is also a woman of great faith she possesses the God-kind of faith and presses forcefully to enter into God’s kingdom because she wants to please God. She is indeed a God chaser. (Matt 11v12 and Heb 11v6)

This present woman is an over comer, she knows that she can only be an over comer in Christ Jesus. She knows Jesus Christ won the war for her over 2000 years ago so she wins all her battles. She is also an over comer in Christ because her victory is her faith in Christ. She has made Jesus her Lord and Saviour, she has not only accepted Jesus as saviour but He is also the Sovereign Lord of her life (IJn 5v4, Jn 1v12-13, Jn 15v1-2, Rev 3v21).

This present woman is a fruitful woman, she realizes that spiritual, physical and material fruitfulness are commanded concerning her in the word of God. (Col 1v10). In Jn 15v16 it is written “Ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you and ordained you that ye should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain…..”

This present woman is a woman who is using her God given talents for the extension of God’s kingdom here on earth. She does not neglect the gift that has been so richly bestowed upon her by the Holy Spirit (ITim 4v14). She studies to show herself approved unto God (II Tim 2v15), so she is a work man that is not ashamed. She rightly divides the word of God i.e. she knows what God’s word says and means. Also she is a fighter, she fights the good fight of faith and does not entangle herself with the affairs of this life because she wants to please Him who called her and chose her (I Tim 6v12, II Tim 2v4)

This present woman is woman of great love; she loves her neighbours and enemies because this is what her God whom she loves has demanded of her. (Mk 12v30-31, Matt 5v44-46, I Cor 13v1-8).

Ultimately this present woman is a complete and fulfilled woman because she has accomplished and attained God’s Divine purpose for her life and arrived at a definite and defined destination. Do you qualify to be THIS PRESENT WOMAN?




women_bible_study1Who is this present woman?

She is the woman of this day and age, the woman of this present moment, the woman of this hour. One distinguishing feature of this present woman is the fact that she has understanding of the times we are in now. The Bible talks of the children of Issachar in the book of I Chronicles 12v32 and describes them as “Men that had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do……”

May I ask you woman of destiny, do you have an understanding of the time we are in now? Do you know what God expects of you at such a time as this?

We are in the last days, the days include the days between Christ’s first and second coming. The term “last days” is another way of saying “from now on”

According to Joel 20v28, in the last days God will pour out His Spirit upon ALL FLESH, both men and women. This was clearly demonstrated in the book of Acts 2v1-4 where the 120 men and women in the upper room received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, that is, the power from high to enable them to do the works of Christ and the greater works.

This present moment includes the last days so this present woman, the woman of this day and age is the woman who will flow in the unction and anointing of these last days.

Who then is this present woman; permit me to introduce her to you.

The first thing we notice about her is that she is a woman of purpose, understanding purpose and fulfilling it. “The greatest tragedy on earth is not death but life without a purpose, life without a reason for living. It is in fact dangerous to be alive and not know why you have been given the gift of life” (Myles Munroe).

This present woman is one who understands that purpose is the key to life and without purpose life actually is meaningless. Woman of destiny know that you are here for a reason.

This present woman knows that fulfilling purpose must be her primary goal in life. “Purpose is the original intent in the mind of the Creator, which motivated Him to create a particular thing”. (Myles Munroe).

The purpose of a thing is what it is designed to do or be. You do not determine your purpose in life; you are called to discover it.

The book of Eccl. 3v1 says “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven”. Woman of destiny headed for a definite destination, the fact that you are alive today is evidence that there is a deposit in you that this generation needs.

If you fail to discover personal purpose and pursue it relentlessly you do not qualify to be known as this present woman”. I want you to know that fulfilling purpose does not just happen by accident; you are responsible for the intentional fulfillment of your purpose so that the world may benefit from your contribution.

The next thing we notice about “this present woman” is that she is a woman of great vision. In the book of proverbs 29v18a we read “Where there is no vision, the people perish….”.

Purpose creates vision, the discovery of your purpose in life is what will create in you a valid vision, when you catch a vision, the pursuit of this vision is what produces goals, goals will translate into a plan for achieving the vision and a plan is what permits you to go on. When you plan for something it becomes orderly. Vision is simply the ability to see the end from the beginning. It is only purpose that is translated into vision that causes extraordinary things to happen and people to act. The NIV Bible translation of Proverbs 29v18(a) states “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint”. To qualify as “this present woman” you must be a woman of great revelation because vision also means a Divine revelation from God. Woman of destiny headed for a definite destination do you qualify to be addressed as “This Present Woman?”




ephesians-3-20Ephesians 3 v 20 “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us”

Who is Him in this verse of scripture? He is the Almighty God, the creator of all things visible and invisible, Elohim the one who spoke in the beginning and it was so, who commanded and it stood fast. (Genesis 3 v 1-3, Ps 33 v 9). He is able to bring something out of nothing. The same God that created all things out of nothing is able to bring something beautiful out of the nothing of your life.

He is El-Shaddai, God The Almighty. In His Almightiness He turned a barren woman of 90 years named Sarah into a joyful mother of a son named Isaac meaning laughter. He turned a man of 100 years of age named Abraham into the proud father of the son God had promised him 25 years earlier (Genesis 15 v 4-5, 17 v 1, 15 and 21 v 1-3). Has God said it? He will surely do it, has God promised? He will surely bring it to pass (Numbers 23 v 19).

The same God is able to bring laughter into your life today by causing all your barren land to become a fruitful vine in Jesus’ name. He is able to make the barren woman to be a joyful mother of children. He is the same God and He will come through for you in this season of your life.

He is the same God that met Jacob in the book of Genesis 32 v 22-32 at a place called Peniel and changed his name from Jacob (supplanter) to Israel (He will rule as God). He is able to change every negative name you were ever called and give you a glorious name that will catapult you into your enviable destiny.

He is the same God who in the book of Genesis 41 elevated Joseph a slave and prisoner in Egypt to the position of Prime Minister. This elevation and transformation took place within a 24 hour period. This Joseph woke up a slave and prisoner and went to bed a Prime Minister second only to Pharaoh in the whole of Egypt. This was a Divine elevation and transformation which only God could achieve in the life of Joseph. The same God is able to turn your life around by giving you, your own 24 hour miracle of Divine elevation and transformation which will cause you to become a wonder to all those who know you.

In the book of Exodus 8 v 22-23 the same God caused a separation between the Egyptians and the children of Israel in the land of Goshen. The land of Goshen where the Israelites lived was spared from the plagues that afflicted the Egyptians. The same God is able to deliver you from every evil. In the book of Psalm 91 v 7, His promise is that a thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you. “I prophesy upon you that in Jesus’ name every evil behind you will never catch up with you and you will never catch up with the evil in front of you in Jesus’ name. The same God has caused a separation between you and everything called evil ”.

The same God divided the red sea in the book of Exodus 14 and the children of Israel walked on dry ground. Pharaoh’s army was behind, the red sea was in front and in the natural it appeared that there was no deliverance for the children of Israel but the same God stepped into the situation and did what no-one else could do. He made a way where there appeared to be no way. The same God will make a way for you, in this season of your life, where in the natural there appears to be no deliverance, no way of escape, the same God will make a way of escape for you as He did for the Israelites.

In the book of Exodus 15, 16 and 17 the same God changed bitter water to sweet, He rained down manna (food) from heaven, He brought water out of the rock. The same God is able to meet you at the point of your need. The same God that preserved and provided for the Israelites in the wilderness is the same God we are calling upon. He is able to replicate and duplicate every miracle He performed in the life of physical Israel, because we are spiritual Israel. The same God is able and willing.

The same God is the God of David. He showed up in the book of I Samuel 17 when Goliath the Philistine was challenging the children of Israel causing them to be fearful and weary of heart. The same God is the God who poured upon David the Divine enablement to challenge the challenger and prevail. The same God is able to silence forever every giant challenging your divine destiny. I prophesy upon your life and destiny that every Goliath challenging your destiny shall fall after the order of Goliath in the Bible in Jesus’ Mighty name amen.

The same God appeared as the fourth man in the fiery furnace in the book of Daniel Chapter 3 when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown in. He turned the heat into an air conditioner. The same God shut the mouth of lions in the book of Daniel 6 and the lions were unable to harm Daniel. To prove to us that the lions could feed on humans when Daniel’s enemies were thrown into the den of lions in the book of Dan 6 v 24 even before they hit the ground they were devoured.

The same God is able to save you out of every unpleasant situation and deliver you from every dangerous situation when you trust in Him alone.

What more can I say about HIM?

The same God left His throne in heaven, took up a body and came down to planet earth in the person of the Lord Jesus. According to the book of Phil 2 v 6-7 “Though He was God, He did not demand and cling to His rights as God. He made Himself nothing, He took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form and in human form, He obediently humbled Himself even further by dying a criminals death on a cross” (NLT translation).

Jn 1 v 14 “So the word became human and lived here on earth among us” (Msg translation)

The same God was manifested to destroy the works of the devil (I Jn 3 v 8). He was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power to go about doing good and to heal all those oppressed by the devil (Acts 10 v 38). The same God healed the sick, made the lame to walk, opened blind eyes, turned water into wine, and raised the dead. He set free the woman bound by the spirit of infirmity for 18 years, He healed the lame man at the pool of Bethsaida who had been lame for 38 years. The same God is able to deliver to the utmost even today for according to the book of Hebrews 13v8 “He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore”. What He did yesterday He is still able to do today. Everything plaguing your divine destiny preventing it from manifesting will be supernaturally removed by the same God. Every knee of the wasters, suckers, blockers and emptiers of your destiny shall bow at the superior name of Jesus. He is the same God, the same yesterday, today and forevermore (Heb 3v8). There is no variableness or shadows of turning in Him. He does not change like shifting shadows (James 1v17)

You can call on the same God today and He will hear and answer. The same God according to the book of Eph 3 v 20 “Is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us”

a)      He is able to do all things

The divine ability to do all things resides in God. The book of Luke 1v37 tells us that there is no impossibility with Him. He can create a path to your desired miracle, He can make perfect every imperfection in your life. He can bring an end to every wilderness experience in your life. He can heal your sick body, He can put all your enemies to an open shame. He can do for you what no man can do.

b)      He is willing to do good things for His children

The willingness to do good things for His children resides in the same God who is also our heavenly father (Matt 6v9, 7v11, Jere 29v11, Matt 8v1-3)

c)      Exceeding i.e. distance, abundantly i.e. quantity, above i.e. height. The same God is a God of increase, enlargement, promotion, and multiplication.

d)      According to the power that works in us we can only receive from this same God in accordance to the power that works in us. We have the responsibility of stirring up the right power (Matt 28v18, Lk 10v19, Ps 62v11, Jn 17v2).

The disciples stirred up the right power. Paul prayed in the book of Ephesians 1v19 “I pray that you begin to understand the incredible greatness of His power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Jesus from the dead”

The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that is resident in you, i.e.the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1v8, 10v38, Jn 14v12). Stir up the right power it is the same God at work in you, waiting to be manifested through you. God is waiting on you to discover yourself.

Busola Olotu

Job 38 v 12-13

taking chargeJob 38 v 12-13, ‘Have you commanded the morning since your days began and cause the dawn to know it’s place, so that (light) may get hold of the corners of the earth and shake the wickedness (of night) out of it?’, Ps 8 vs. 4-6, ‘What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of (earthborn) man that you care for him? Yet you have made him but a little lower than God, and You have crowned him with glory and honour. You made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet. Jn 14 vs. 12. “I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if anyone steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these, because I go to the Father”. (Amp)

You can take charge of the spiritual terrain and bombard the forces of darkness. You can take the battle to the gates of the enemy. You can come against every works of darkness, every habitation of cruelty. You can disarm every mystery of iniquity. You can put to the flight the armies of the aliens. You can become a terror, a constant terror to the devil and his cohorts. You can stay spiritually awake and alert and win your battles. The enemy will learn to respect your territory; he will not be able to overrun you or your territory. I am sure you are asking yourself ‘can I really do all these things? Am I this strong?’ Of course You are, if you are born-again, blood washed and born of God. (Jn 3 vs 3, 6)

According to the book of Col 1 vs 27(b) and 1Jn 4 v 4   Jesus Christ the anointed one and His anointing is in you. This is precisely why the word of God refers to you as more than a conqueror (Rom 3 v 39). You are the stronger man and all other strong men must bow to the greater one in you. Lk 11 v 21-22, Matt 12 v 29. Don’t have a grasshopper mentality like the 10 Hebrew spies in Numbers 13 v 33. Wake up the sleeping giant in you, arise and conquer, possess your possessions in Jesus’ name.

Pst. Busola Olotu



 Heb 11 v 6 “But without faith it is impossible to please Him; for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is rewarder of them that diligently seek Him”

Know that faith does not stagger at the promises of God, it maintains its confession in the face of overwhelming opposition. Do not deny the facts but you must fight the facts with the truth of Gods word. Know that you must not let the facts wane or dissipate your faith.  In your life refuse to consider the natural circumstances or evidence that seems to war against your faith; refuse to be moved by what you hear, see or feel.

Know that faith always has a good report and God’s word is the evidence your success, health, victory, progress and prosperity. The word of God is the only true evidence you must consider,  for it is absolutely infallible and immutable. Know that faith in God and in His word is your evidence that what God says are yours  are truly yours, what God says you are, you are and what God says you can do, you can do, you can stake your life on it. Therefore do not stagger at the word of God through unbelief, embrace the word of God as Abraham did according to the book of Romans 4 v 19-21 “Abraham was not weak in faith, he did not consider the natural circumstances of his body that was already one hundred years old, nor did he consider the fact of the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He did not stagger at the promise of God through unbelief but his faith remained strong and even though he had not yet received the promise, he was giving glory to God for the performance of it for he was fully persuaded that what God had promised He would perform”.

Are you persuaded that the negative situation and circumstances around you must bow to the word of God? Refuse to allow the situation around you to determine who you become or what you say or do. Let your confidence in the word of God be total and unwavering, do not stagger in unbelief knowing that the word of God is guaranteed to produce the desired results, it has never failed, it will never fail, it can never fail.

Pst. Busola Olotu



Prophetess-Deborah-Judges-Women-of-the-Bible-e1349912955179JUDGES 5V6-8

“In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were unoccupied and the travelers walked through by-ways. The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until I Deborah arose,  I arose a mother in Israel. They chose new gods, and there was war in the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?”

Judges 4v4 “And Deborah, a prophetess the wife of Lapidoth, she Judged Israel at that time”

Deborah was a woman of destiny who led a life of influence and impact. Deborah was introduced to us in the book of Judges as first a prophetess, then a wife and a judge. To be a prophet or prophetess signifies that you are a person in close relationship with God, set apart by Him to regularly hear from Him and disseminate His message to the people. Deborah was described also as a wife but she didn’t deny or resist her position in the culture as a woman and a wife but she never allowed herself to be hindered by her gender.

In the book of Judges 5v6-8 we are given a graphic description by Deborah herself of the condition of the Land of Israel, the decadence, ungodliness and evil that pervaded the land such that village life i.e. the simplest uncomplicated form of life had ceased.

In order to appreciate the Spirit that was resident in this woman Deborah, which caused her to rise as a mother in Israel in the days of gross darkness we need to first examine the prevailing situation in the land in the days she arose.

First and foremost we are told that “the highways were unoccupied and travelers walked through byways.”

In the book of Isaiah 35v8 it is written “And a highway shall be there, and a way of holiness, the unclean shall not pass over it but it shall be for those: The way faring men, though fools, shall not err therein.” (KJV)

“And a highway will be there, it will be called the ways of holiness. The unclean will not Journey on it, it will be for those who walk in the way, and wicked fools will not go about on it.” (NIV).

In the days of Deborah Israel as a nation had abandoned the highways of Holiness, the whole land was in a backslidden state, every man did that which was right in his own eyes. (Judges 21v25). In the days of Deborah as it is in our own day and age now, every man was seeking their own good; even the priests and Levites were not left out.

The next thing we are told about those days was that “village life ceased in Israel”. Village life depicts the simplest, uncomplicated life. There is no artificiality in village life, every man remains in the truest form of his nature, not trying to impress anyone or camouflage.

When village life ceases pride comes in, sincerity takes the back seat, hypocrisy becomes the bane, sin becomes prevalent, and artificiality is celebrated. The next thing we are told is that they chose new gods. The people of Israel chose new objects of worship. They pledged their allegiance to new gods which is Idolatry. Anything that takes the place of God in our lives becomes an Idol.

The people of Israel in Deborah’s time chose new pursuits, inventions. They focused on new things; they abandoned the living God who had so miraculously delivered them from the bondage of Egypt.

Finally we are told that there was war in the gates; yet there was no shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel. The war had shifted from the gates of the enemy to the gates of the land. Anytime the people’s focus shifted from God, He allowed their enemies to overpower them. Anytime a  people shift their focus from God trouble will always dominate their gates. Sin removes every weapon of war and leaves man in a pitiable, defeated state. The land of Israel in the time of Deborah was in a state of apostasy.

Righteousness is what exalts a nation; sin is a reproach to any people. It was during a time such as this when there was no one willing to take a stand for God that this great daughter of destiny Deborah arose a shinning star.

In the book of Judges 5v6-8 after describing the pitiable condition of the land of Israel, she tells us her response to this great need for a deliverer, she said “I Deborah AROSE a mother in Israel.”

Deborah arose to the challenge, Deborah arose to meet the need of the hour, Deborah arose a mother in Israel i.e. A mother to exhort, a mother to comfort, a mother to encourage, a mother to teach and counsel, a mother to intercede, a mother to impact faith. When no man was willing to face the challenge of the hour in those days, when every one had agreed to settle for the status quo, Deborah arose a daughter of destiny; she arose a vessel of honor, sanctified and fit for the master’s use. This is why God is raising her up in this day and age as His standard, His example as a true daughter of destiny, a woman of influence in the likeness of Christ.

What Spirit was operating in Deborah that caused her to be such a blessing to her generation and generations unborn? What caused her to arise a daughter of destiny to fulfill God’s call upon her life? What caused her to arise for such a time as this?

I want you to know that the Spirit.  of Deborah was the Spirit of Christ. Jesus said in the book of Mk 8v34 “Whosoever will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me”.

First and foremost the Spirit of Deborah like the Spirit of Christ was that of self denial. Deborah did not regard herself or her life, she was part of the “if I perish, I perish company.” She arose and denied herself, she arose a mother in Israel, she arose and followed Barrack into battle, she arose and Judged Israel for 40yrs, she arose and fulfilled Gods purpose for her life.

She took up her individual cross and followed the leading of God; she worked the works of God while it was yet day.

It is not by accident that the scripture referred to Deborah as first and foremost a prophetess i.e. a woman surrendered to God, who had a personal altar with God. A woman who knew how to shut out the world and share her life with God behind closed doors, a woman who learnt to hear God’s voice and follow it, a woman lead by the Spirit of God.

Just like the Lord Jesus Christ, Deborah walked in the Spirit of meekness and humility.

Meekness means submissiveness and long suffering. For anyone to be able to Judge Israel for 40yrs and it was recorded that during this time the land had rest, that person must be submissive to God  and long suffering towards the people. We also see the operation of this Spirit in Deborah in her willingness to follow Barrack into battle. (Judges 4v8-9, Judges 5v30).

The Spirit of Deborah, like the Spirit of Christ was the Spirit of humility to such an extent that even though she was a Judge and a warrior she was still referred to as the wife of Lappidoth. In spite of her intimidating credentials she was still humble enough to submit herself under the leadership and authority of her husband. The Spirit of God who wrote the scripture referred to Deborah as The Wife of Lappidoth, this means she was to Mr. Lappidoth a wife after Gods own design. (A humble and submissive help meet).

This Spirit of humility is also evident in her not seeking for recognition because even though she followed Barrack into battle she knew that another woman Jael would get the glory for the subduing of the enemy.

There was no spirit of pride or self aggradization in this woman Deborah; she was a humble servant of the Lord. (Judges 4v4, 5v9).

Deborah like the Lord Jesus walked in the Spirit of love. Like Christ she had a love for God (Jn14v31, Deut 10v12, 11v1) Love for Gods work (Jn9v4, 14v21) love for God’s people (Jn15v12, Acts 10v38, 1Jn 4v11, 1Jn 3v16, Eph 5v2).

Deborah like Jesus had a heart of compassion. This Spirit of compassion for the sorry state of the people and the land was what caused her to arise a mother in Israel (Judges 5v6-9).

Christ was compassionate towards the people he came in contact with (Matt 9v36, 14v14, Luke 7v13).

The Spirit of Deborah was a Spirit of courage and boldness, just like Christ was a man of great courage and boldness. (Acts4v13, 2Tim 1v7, Judges 4v9).

The Spirit of Deborah was the Spirit of prayer, like Christ Deborah was a woman of prayer, a woman of great intimacy with God, fully submitted to the will of God for her life. (Lk 22v41-51, 9v28, Jn 5v30, Judges 4v4).

Deborah like Jesus was a woman of burdens, Jesus had a burden for the lost (Lk 19v10, 41-44), and Deborah had a burden for her nation (Judges 5v6-9).

Deborah had the mind of Christ, the mind of Christ was characterized by five attributes and these attributes were evident in the life of Deborah: –

  1. Humility (Phil 2v6-8)
  2. Dependence upon God (Jn 5v19, 30). Jesus sought only the will of the Father.
  3. Obedience i.e. a determination to do only the Fathers will (Jn 5v30)
  4. Thoughtfulness of others (Matt 26v39, 42, Acts 10v38)
  5. A willingness to sacrifice and suffer and even to die for the good of others (2 Corin 8v9, Rms 5v6-8, 1 Pet 2v24).

My dear sisters in Christ know for a certainty that in this hour God is raising up for himself a Deborah generation, a godly company of women operating in the Spirit of Deborah which is the Spirit of Christ, i.e. the Holy Spirit Himself.

Will you not be part of this army of women of influence in the likeness of Christ?

Will not be part of this army of relevant, gifted and winning women?

The ball is in your court, Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart urging you, calling you to be part of this great move on planet earth at this hour, may you heed his call.


Pst. Busola Olotu.