
Genesis 3 v 1-7 “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. He said to the woman “has God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of garden?” (Verse 1) NKJV

The first question we need to ask is “who is this serpent that appeared to Eve in the garden?” The answer is found in the book of Rev 12 v 9 it reads “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old called the devil and satan, who deceives the whole world, he was cast out to the earth and his angels with him”. So much information has been revealed to us in this verse of scripture: –

1)      It was satan, the devil himself, the ultimate deceiver who appeared to Eve in the form of a serpent to deceive her and abort her glorious destiny.

2)      This same devil, i.e. the serpent is still very much alive and active on planet earth today. He was cast out to the earth.

3)      He is still very active in his business of deception. He has not changed his tactics.

4)      He is not alone; he has hordes of demonic angels at his bidding.

We need to be watchful, alert and discerning so that we do not fall into the serpents deception like Eve. The word of God declares that the devil roams around like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour, we are to resist him steadfast in the faith. (I Peter 5 v 8-9)

The serpent in Gen 3 v 1 is described as “cunning” another word used in place of cunning in the KJV of the Bible is the word ‘crafty’. The devil did not come out to contradict God’s instruction to Adam and Eve he simply encouraged Eve to question it. He suggested to Eve that God was withholding good from her.

To be crafty means among other things to be scheming tricky and deceitful. The devil does not have any power over a true born-again child of God but he can scheme, trick or deceive you out of your inheritance in Christ Jesus. He can strategically and insidiously rob you of God’s best for your life and destiny like he did to Adam and Eve. This is why you must beware of the serpent and his tricks. He is a man of many disguises, he loves to hide himself. The word of God declares that it is not uncommon for him to show up disguised as an angel of light. (II Cor 11 v 14)

Genesis 3 v 2-5 And the woman said to the serpent “We may eat the fruit of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you shall not eat it, nor touch it, lest you die”. Then the serpent said to the woman “You will not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (NKJV).

There are certain vital lessons for us as believers to learn from the above verses of scripture.

1)      The first thing we notice from Eve’s answer to the devils question is that there was obviously a lack of effective communication between her and her husband Adam. Adam was the one who received the commandment from God and he had the responsibility of communicating it to Eve who at the time was not yet brought forth out of Adam as a separate entity. The lesson you need to learn from this is that the serpent (devil) will always take full advantage of any lack of effective communication between you and your spouse to use it to his advantage to further his own deception in your life.

2)      The next lesson to learn is that the devil sold a lie to Eve and she believed the lie against the truth of God’s words and acted on it. The lie sold by the serpent (devil) to Eve was a very insidious one because Eve was already a god created in the image and likeness of The Almighty God. God used to walk in the garden and fellowship with them i.e. Adam and her. His brilliance, purity and majesty did not startle them, because they were robed in the same purity. In other words the serpent was deceiving Eve by offering her something she already had with a promise that she would become someone she already was. Beware of the serpent! Watch out for craftiness in any shape or form. Watch out for those who propose anything that is a clear contradiction of God’s word. Don’t be deceived by them, as deception always leads to a fall. A fall from grace to disgrace, honour to dishonor, glory to reproach and shame.

Ps 49 v 20 “ A man who is in honour, yet does not understand, is like a beast that perish” (NKJV).

Eve was in honour but did not understand, so she fell for the deception the enemy and she perished. Her glorious destiny was aborted.

If we are prone to adding to God’s word or taking away from it we become prime candidates for the deception of the serpent (devil).

In the book of Matt 4 v 4-11 and Luke 4 v 1-13 the Bible records the temptation of Jesus. Jesus’ Christs own battle with the deception of the serpent (devil). In contrast to Eve, Jesus took a firm stand for the word of God, Jesus is the patterned Son, we are to take after Him. Whenever the serpent (devil) shows up with his lies we have the responsibility of fleeing to the word of God for refuge and succor.

3)      The next lesson to learn is this, that the very first recorded lie of the serpent (devil) was “You will not surely die………” This is still the same lie he is peddling today. Romans 6 v 23 says “For the wages of sin is death ….” The devil says “You can lie, cheat, fornicate, steal, commit adultery, sow discord among brethren, walk in unbelief and doubt etc. and yet you will still live, you will still make heaven, you will still be a child of God. Once saved always saved, Grace is at work, so you can live like the devil and still make heaven”. This is a big lie from the pit of hell. It is still the serpent (devil) at work. Rms 6 v 6 “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?”

Rms 6 v 12 “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lust. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under law but under grace” (NKJV).

Beware of the serpent (devil)! he comes to steal, kill and destroy, he is the thief spoken of by Jesus in the book of John 10 v 10.

Genesis 3 v 6-7

“So when the woman saw the tree was good for food, that is was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, she also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened and they knew that they were naked: and the sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings”.

There are lessons to learn from these verses too.

1)      When verse 6 says “So when the woman saw the tree was good for food……..” The question to be asked is “Was Eve just seeing the tree?” The tree had been in the garden with her all along. She had been seeing it but her perception of the tree changed after a suggestion from the serpent (devil). It became good, pleasant and desirable. What was an offense to God now became something attractive after a suggestion from the serpent (devil).

I Jn 2 v 15-17 “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever”. As it was in the beginning with the serpent (devil) so it is today. He is still tempting God’s children causing sin to take on an attractive mien. The sin of yesterday is still the sin of today. Eve fell for the lust of the flesh, she saw that the tree was good for food, the lust of the eyes, she saw that it was pleasant to the eyes, and the pride of life she saw that it was a tree desirable to make one wise. She saw these three things after a suggestion from the serpent and the resultant effect was that she disobeyed God’s commandment. She took of its fruit and ate and also gave to her husband who was with her.

Beware of the any suggestion from the serpent (devil)! it will cause you to fall into the sin of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. You will become carnal and worldly; the deep will no longer call unto the deep. Your love for God will wax cold and your faith will become compromised. Your divine destiny will be short changed or out rightly aborted.

How many young people and married adults have fallen for the suggestion of the serpent (devil) where sex is concerned that “It can’t be so wrong, if it feels so right”. The devil knows that the very day you start eating from the tree of adultery and fornication, you start to die. It looks good but it is actually a vicious poison designed to kill slowly and rob you of your glorious destiny(I Cor 3 v 16-17, 6 v 9-10, v 18-20). Beware of the serpent (devil)!

2)      The woman gave of the fruit of the tree to Adam her husband who was with her and he ate of it also. What a tragedy! Adam was created the spiritual leader of the world and his family but he failed woefully in his responsibility. He failed to take a stand for God and the whole world is still suffering today from his unwillingness to take responsibility. Many spiritual leaders today have fallen into the trap of Adams mistakes. Adam was a mismanager of God’s vast resources put into his care, he failed in what mattered most and refused to accept responsibility for his failure. He failed to lead himself and his family, he failed to lead by example. He had no vision so he cast off restrain. (Provs 29 v 18) KJV and NIV translations.

This is a great lesson for us, we must take personal responsibility for our lives. I.e. choices, actions and inactions. It is dangerous to abdicate personal responsibility for our own lives and start to shift the blame on others. I have realized that this sin of Adam and Eve is still playing out in a lot of lives. Many people shy away from taking personal responsibility but rather they blame their predicament on anything or anyone but themselves and their choices or lack of it. Beware of the serpent (devil)! Learn to take personal responsibility for your life. It is your life not another person’s.

Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent but none of them blamed themselves for their sin of blatant disobedience to the commandment of God.

3)      Sin will always open the eyes that hitherto were unopened. Sin will always cause nakedness i.e. shame and reproach. Sin will always cause a man to start to live a life of hypocrisy, a double life, a life of covering up.

Adam and Eve became self centered, no more God centered. Their eyes that hitherto had been shut to evil because they were dwelling in the light of God’s Glory became open to evil. The Glory of God that clothed them disappeared at the appearance of sin in their lives and they became vulnerable to shame and reproach. They became naked, defenceless, a sitting duck for the serpent (devil). May God’s Glory never depart from our lives in Jesus’ name amen.

The serpent (devil) robbed them of every visage of God’s Glory and goodness in their lives, they became separated from God, they lost Eden, and they were driven out from the place of Gods protection, provision, preservation and rest. What a sad story! But it all started with a suggestion from the serpent (devil). Beware of the serpent! Take heed to your own soul, believe God, believe His word and live His word. Beware of the serpent! Give him no place, no room, submit yourself to God, resist the devil (serpent) and he will flee from you. (James 4 v 7)

Pst. Busola Olotu.

2 Peter 1 v 3

Image“According as His Divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (KJV)

“For His Divine power has bestowed upon us all things that (are requisite and suited) to life and godliness through the (full, personal, knowledge of Him who called us by and to His own glory and excellence (virtue)” Amp.

God The Almighty Himself has given us ALL things that are requisite and suited to LIFE and godliness. In other words we are already equipped to live the abundant life. But to gain access to all these wonderful things already released to us we must have the full, personal knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

We have excused our laziness, procrastination, indolence, indiscipline, unbelief, fear, ineptitude, etc. under the canopy of “It is the will of God”. I say to you this day it is not Gods will for anyone to live defeated, unfruitful, unproductive and sick lives. No way! Jesus who was God Himself came to reveal God’s will to us. His will is clearly revealed in His word and His will is for us to be victorious not defeated, supernatural not natural, extraordinary not ordinary, fruitful not barren. His will is for us to live the heavenly lifestyle right here on planet earth. His will is for us to exercise our dominion mandate right here on planet earth. His will is for us to put the devil and his cohorts under our feet, right here on planet earth. Jesus said in the book of John 10 v 10 “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full till it overflows)” (Amp version)

Jesus came to give us life, abundant life, the full life (nothing missing, nothing broken). The overflowing, more than enough life. A life devoid of scarcity.

I John 3 v 8b “…..The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen and dissolve) the works the devil (has done)”. Amp version

Jesus was manifested for your victory, why are you still living a defeated Christian life? Jesus paid the price for your liberation why are you still in captivity to the devil and his cohorts? Jesus set you free, you are free indeed. John 8 v 36 (Amp) “So if the Son liberates you (makes you free men), then you are really and unquestionably FREE”.

Rise up in victory the war has been won, you can win all your battles.

(Pst. Busola Olotu)


IMG_0984‘’But the path of the just is as a shining light, that shinneth more and more unto the perfect day’’

God is not interested in your stagnation, He is a God of progress and He wants to move you to your next level in life. God is saying to you today ‘’my daughter you have circled this mountain long enough, move forward’’. I’m sure you are asking how do I move forward with this mountain of problems and challenges surrounding me? Thank God we serve a God who is an expert at removing mountains. He said to Zerubbabel in the book of Zechariah4vs6 that every great mountain will be removed by the spirit of the Lord. I prophesy as a servant of the living God to as many as are reading this article that in Jesus name every great mountain erected by the enemy against your life and destiny, your peace and progress are removed now in Jesus’ Name. Every mountain of sickness, infirmity, barrenness, limitation, failure, impossibility, stagnation, retrogression, oppression, suppression, collective captivity, poverty and lack, calamity, tribulation, evil family inheritance etc. Every great mountain becomes a plain now in Jesus’ name Amen.

You can also speak to the mountains in your life and command them to go on the authority of Mk 11 v 23-24.


  1. According to Gen 24 v 3, He is the God of heaven and earth.
  2. According to Gen 17 v 1, 35 v 11, He is The Almighty.
  3. According to Deut 7 v 9, He is faithful and keeps His covenant.
  4. According to Psalm 68 v 19-20, 65 v 5, He is the God of our salvation and daily loads us with blessings.
  5. According to Exodus 8 v 11, He is greater than all other gods.
  6. According to Exodus 34 v 6-7, Numbers 14 v 18, He is long suffering, great in mercy and forgiving iniquity.
  7. According to Deut 4 v 24, Heb 12 v 29. He is a consuming fire.
  8. According to Psalm 55 v 22, He is our sustainer, (cast your burden on Him and He shall sustain you).
  9. According to Psalm 99 v 9, Leviticus 19 v 2, He is Holy.
  10. According to Psalm 145 v 9, He is good to all and His tender mercies are over all His works. Love Him, Reverence Him and surrender to Him.


IMG_0984I pray for you today that The Lord Jesus whose name is Alpha i.e The beginning. Will arise today on your behalf and walk back through every second of the life you have lived thus far. As He is walking back, where you need Salvation, He will save you, where you need deliverance, He will deliver you. Where you need healing, He will heal you. Where you need reformation, He will reform you. Where you need transformation, He will transform you. Where you need restoration, He will restore you and where you need divine recovery, He will empower and help you to pursue, overtake and recover all in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Can I hear somebody shout a loud AMEN.

(Busola Olotu)


IMG_0984Jn1v19-23(KJV)– WOMAN WHO ART THOU?………………………………..You are a spirit being, you have a soul and live in a house called your body(1thess5v23). You are a twofold possession of The Almighty God, by creation and by redemption(Gen1v26, Gal3v13-14,Rms3v23-26). You are made in the image and likeness of God(Gen1v26-27). You are a person of authority, dominion and power(Gen1v28,Ps8V4-6). You are a child of God, born of the Spirit of God,filled with the Spirit of God and led by the Spirit of God(Jn1V12-13, Jn3V3-7,Rms8v14-16, Jn7V37-39). You are an heir of salvation, you are purchased by blood and blood washed(1Jn1v7,Rms8v17 Heb9V11-14). You are God’s beloved, God’s favourite.(Jn3V16,1Jn3V1). You are chosen, royal,holy. Peculiar. You are special to God, unique and uncommon(1Pet2v9). Your spirit is the candle of The Lord, God, your Father is guiding you into all His truth through your spirit(Provs20v27). You are anointed, Jesus Christ, The anointed one and His anointing lives in you (Col1v27, 1Jn4v4, Phil4v13, Jn14V12). If you are genuinely born again and living the life this is who you are. Like John the Baptist in the book of Jn1V19-23 you must have a clear understanding of who you are in Christ and be able to properly articulate it. You must be able to give an answer to every mystery of iniquity that wants to rear its ugly head against you and challenge your destiny. (Busola Olotu)


imagesLamentations3v22a “Through The Lords mercies we are not consumed………………………….”When Mercy shows up, rules are changed for your sake. When Mercy shows up, things you are not qualified for will locate you. When Mercy shows up in your life and destiny Angels will become your Divine messengers and speed becomes your testimony. When Mercy shows up what you could not do will be done by THE ALMIGHTY for you. When Mercy shows up human might becomes replaced
by Divine Might. When Mercy shows up God causes your enemies to become your friends and those who hate you start to love you and defer to you. When Mercy shows up the barrel of meal will not finish, nor the jar of oil run dry. When mercy shows up the fire of affliction will refuse to burn. When mercy shows up those who laughed at you will laugh with you. When mercy shows up all other things will go down. My prayer for you today is that MERCY will show up for your sake in Jesus’ Mighty Name Amen.(Busola Olotu)


IMG_0984In this New Month you will not eat the bread of adversity nor drink the water of affliction nor sieve with the sieve of futility. The staff of punishment will not pass through your land in Jesus’ Name. The bread of increase shall be your portion, The Almighty God will come through for you. You will sing the song of victory and in your land only the sound of joy and rejoicing shall resound in Jesus’ Mighty Name Amen. This is my fervent prayer for you in this 5th month of the year 2014. A happy, blessed, fruitful and fulfilled New month to you all.

Pastor Mrs. Busola Olotu


10322473_919581734734771_3674188187040459923_nMy heart bleeds for these abducted girls. As a mother and grandmother myself I can imagine the pain of these Chibok parents and the community in general. We at Dodim are very concerned and have been fervently praying for the safe return of these young girls and I believe that in The Mighty Name of Jesus there shall be a Mighty Divine Intervention. I’m also pleased at the arising of the women to protest against this unsavoury situation, this is a very welcome development and I pray the momentum will be intensified. Please let us all continue in intercession for the safe return of these girls.


Another bomb blast reported last night coming 2 1/2 weeks after the April 14 one. It is time to arise as believers and exercise our spiritual authority. This is not a time for us to keep our mouths shut, it is a time for us to start to speak, declare and decree the word of God over this unsavoury situation. The wicked will not go unpunished, all the ancient and scornful men in Nig shall perish after the order of Pelatiah in the book of Ezekiel 11v13, we prophesy against them in the name of Jesus. Concerning last nights bomb blast and the previous one speak, declare and decree Isa 40V1″Comfort, ye, comfort my people! Says our God. Speak comfort to Jerusalem (Nig, victims and families of these victims of these bomb blasts……………….” Concerning our daughters at Chibok declare as often as you can Ps126v1-3″When The Lord brought back the captivity of Zion (Our daughters at Chibok), we were like those who dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the Nations, The Lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us and we are glad” indeed concerning these girls The ALMIGHTY GOD will do great things for us. Concerning the troublers of Nigeria,their agents and sponsors prophesy Job24v24 Thus says The Lord “They are exalted for a little while and then are gone and brought low, they are taken out of the way as all others are and are cut off as the tops of the ears of grain” Isa41v11-13″Behold all those incensed against Nig shall be ashamed and disgraced; they (no matter how many they are) shall be as nothing, and those who strive with Nigeria shall perish. You(Nigerians) will seek them and not find them– those who contended with you, those who war against you, shall be nothing, a non existent thing. For I the Lord ,will uphold Nigeria and say to her citizens Fear not, for I will help you” Concerning Nigeria declare Isa 51v3 “For the Lord will comfort Zion (Nigeria). He will comfort all her waste places, He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of The Lord; Joy and gladness will be found in it, thanksgiving and the voice of melody.”(Busola Olotu)